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Recruitment : BSF Recruitment

Border Security Force Logo Image

About Border Security Force (BSF)

Border Security Force (BSF) is one of the main border guarding forces in India, responsible for maintaining the security of the country's land border during peace time and preventing transnational crime. BSF recruits personnel for various positions, including constables, sub-inspectors, and officers through various recruitment processes.

Eligibility criteria for the post of constable in BSF include being a citizen of India, having passed 10th standard or equivalent, being within the age limit of 18 to 23 years and having a height of 170 cm for male candidates and 157 cm for female candidates. For higher positions, the eligibility criteria are more stringent and may include minimum educational qualifications, age limit, physical fitness, and written/practical tests.

BSF recruitment processes include written exams, physical tests, medical exams, and interviews. The written exams assess the candidate's knowledge of the relevant subject areas and their ability to apply this knowledge. Physical tests assess the candidate's physical fitness, endurance, and agility, while medical exams assess their overall health.

BSF recruitment is done through online applications, which are invited on the official website of BSF. Interested candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria and submit their applications online before the deadline. The selection process is competitive and based on merit.

In conclusion, BSF recruitment provides opportunities for individuals to join one of the premier border security forces in India. To be eligible for BSF recruitment, candidates must meet the prescribed eligibility criteria and clear various stages of the selection process.

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