Sarkari Jobs Link

Sarkari Job : SarkariJobs.Link Online Sarkari Naukri Form, Admit Card, Exam, Result 2024

Recruitment : RRC Recruitment

RRC Central Railway Logo Image

How To Apply

Besides this Website, the Employment Notices of the RRC are published in the Employment News and a few National and Local Newspapers. Before applying for a particulars post, the candidates must go through the contents of the Employment Notice carefully so that they can ascertain their eligibility for the post in question and fill up the application form in a flawless manner.


Here are certain tips for the prospective candidates in the form Dos and Don’ts, which may help them to avoid committing certain common mistakes, often leading to the cancellation of their candidature.


  1. Read the Employment Notice and the instructions contained there in carefully.
  2. Check, whether if you satisfy all the requirements of qualification, age, caste, vision etc., as required for the post in question.
  3. Please ensure that the application form exactly matches the proforma given in the Employment Notice. Use only a good quality paper of A-4 size for the application.
  4. Fill up each column of the application form neatly, clearly and legibly, as per the given instructions.
  5. Fill up the application form only in your own handwriting.
  6. Submit only one application for one post, as required in the Employment Notice.
  7. Do not forget to enclose the POSTAL ORDER/DEMAND DRAFT of the requisite amount, where applicable.
  8. Check, whether you have addressed your application- to the correct RRC.
  9. Check, whether your debarred period has expired on the crucial date, if you have been debar from by any RRC from appearing in the RRC exams.
  10. Check whether your application form is complete in all respects so that it is not summarily rejected by the RRC.
  11. Visit our website to know the status of your application and your eligibility.
  12. Reach the venue of the examination in time with the call letter issued by this RRC.
  13. Read the instructions printed on the call letter and ensure the compliance thereof.
  14. Paste only a recent passport size photograph on the upper portion of call letter which should matche the one pasted on your application form.
  15. The candidate should send the application duly filled in, along with required documents by ORDINARY POST ONLY. Forms sent through speed post /courier/registered post (with or without AD) will not be acknowledged.


  1. Do not submit more than one application for the same post.
  2. Never misuse the free traveling authority issued with the call letter.
  3. Do not attempt impersonation in the examination, as it will not only lead to the cancellation of your candidature, but also debarring you for life time from appearing in all the RRCs examinations.
  4. Do not carry the prohibited articles, such as, Mobile phone, calculator and books etc in the examination center.
  5. Do not hazard with guess while answering the questions as there will be negative marking for each wrong answer.
  6. Do not give more than one answer to a question, as that will be treated as a wrong answer.
  7. Do not ticks mark the answers in the question booklet.
  8. Do not attempt away any unfair means in the examination.
  9. Do not take along the original/duplicate answer sheet or the question book as that will entail a criminal action against you, apart from cancellation of your candidature.
  10. Do not leave the examination hall till you are permitted to do so.

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